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Is Depression Holding You Back From Living The Dream ?




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Think Book


Welcome to Think Book, your trusted source for a diverse collection of Electronic books across various genres and languages. Is Depression Holding You Back From living The Dream?

At think book, our mission is to create a safe and supportive space for individuals struggling with mental health challenges.we believe in the transformstive power of literature and strive to provide a diverse selection of books that cater to various emotional needs.founded by Mr. Gregory Momney, a retired U.S. Airforce aircraft maintainer, think book originated from deep passion for supporting individuals facing emotional distress. the bookstore was established with the vision of offering solace and guidance throughthe written word.

over the years , think book has had the privileage of serving a wide range of clients, including those dealing with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, fear and mental health concerns.our dedicated team is commited to providing personalized recommendations and resources tailored to each individual's unique needs.  

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Депресията ли е причината, която ви държи далеч от мечтания здравословен, продуктивен и щастлив живот?


#1 Изявление от автора

#2 Философия на автора

#3 Партньор по четене

#4 Книга 1

#5 Книга 2

#6 Време за четене

#7 Стъпка по избор

#8 Съпруг/Съпруга

#9 Книги 3 & 4

#10 Прощаване

#11 Безпокойство/Нарушение в съня

#12 Оставяне на миналото зад гърба ви

#13 Зависимости & заключение


Книга 1 ‘Живот с правилна мисъл’, Определение, Какво да мислим, Съдържание на групата за поддръжка


Книга 2 ‘Живот със здрава мисъл’, Светлина, святост, глас, живот


Книга 3 ‘Справяне с горчивината и непростимия дух’, Търсене, Помня, хора, милост, любов, прости, Отмъщение, Комфорт


Книга 4 ‘Тревожност/нарушения на съня и сексуални зависимости/наркомания’, Страх, Доверие, Депресия, Наркотици, Поговорка, Секс, Почивка/Сън, Депресия, Псалм, Депресия, Помощ


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